In important and dangerous ways, the US is building an “anti-human rights” culture, part of which is the constant drumbeat of fear intentionally created by the Bush Administration to support policies that deny or violate human rights. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, wrote a piece about this in the Sunday Washington Post. I loved this statistic, culled from a recent report:
clipped from

That America has become insecure and more paranoid is hardly debatable. A recent study reported that in 2003, Congress identified 160 sites as potentially important national targets for would-be terrorists. With lobbyists weighing in, by the end of that year the list had grown to 1,849; by the end of 2004, to 28,360; by 2005, to 77,769. The national database of possible targets now has some 300,000 items in it, including the Sears Tower in Chicago and an Illinois Apple and Pork Festival.

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