Ancillary Justice

Ancillary Justice

In which I participate in David Abrams’s “Sunday Sentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.” “(As a troop carrier), I sat, as I had sat for most of my two-thousand-year existence in one...
Sunday sentence

Sunday sentence

In which I participate in David Abrams’s “Sunday Sentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.” “(Vampires) are back now, after all — raised from the grave with the voodoo of...
Sunday sentence

Sunday sentence

  “Nothing that lived or breathed was truly objective — even in a vacuum, even if all that possessed the brain was a self-immolating desire for the truth.” Jeff Vandermeer, Annihilation   Related articles Review: Annihilation, Jeff...