Bending toward justice

When I was a junior at the University of Chicago, I took Modern Drama with the late Frank Kinahan. Professor Kinahan was famous for his contention that the great literature of the 20th Century was written by Irishmen, often under the influence of drink. Kinahan...

Doctors without Morals

A much-needed oped in Sunday’s New York Times, pointing out that the government’s investigations of legal misconduct on the part of John Yoo and Jay Bybee have not been matched by inquiries into how medical professionals designed and implemented torture....

If Americans torture…

“If Americans torture and it comes to light — as it inevitably will — it embitters and alienates the very people we need most.” Charles C. Krulak was commandant of the Marine Corps from 1995 to 1999. Joseph P. Hoar was commander in chief of...

CIA and Torture

The just-released report by the CIA Inspector General (CIA IG) is one of a series of documents released yesterday about the US torture program. The report dates from 2004, but has lots of new detail. What you need to know about yesterday’s revelations (via...

High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group

The Obama Administration just announced the creation of a new, multi-institution group that will take over the questioning of high-value suspects in the “war on terror.” According to the Los Angeles Times, interrogators will “stay within the...